Monday, July 28, 2014

On The Blueness Of The Sky

Go outside on a clear, cloudless day and look up at the sky.

Pay attention to one thing: How blue it is. Just that, nothing else. Don't think about how far away it is, how vast it is, how beautiful it is, how cloudless it is, how poetic it is, how nice it is. Notice only its blueness. Notice how the sky is really, incredibly, almost shockingly blue. It's a pure, soft blue, a blue you want to grab and put into your pocket and make pillows out of, a blue that makes other, different blues seem not as blue somehow. Let its raw, unrelenting blueness gently wash all other thoughts from your mind. Let it take your breath away.

While you're doing that, think about how many other people have been under a cloudless sky as you are now and not done what you're doing now; not noticed the blueness right above them, that blue expanse stretching forever into the horizon, have never noticed that blueness.

It seems like a big deal to me, for some reason, that there would be even a single person who has never thought about how incredibly, awesomely blue the sky is. How many other sources of wonder and awe do these people miss on a daily basis? How many do I miss on a daily basis? The answer is probably "too many".

It's ordinary to love the beautiful. It's beautiful to love the ordinary.


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