Saturday, December 24, 2016


This poem took around half an hour to compose. It is minimally edited. (There was a line about condors, and later, a line about feathery crucibles and unquantifiable liquid aviaries. But nothing bird-related made it through the editing process.)

Sycophants gyrate
Emerge from shattered crucibles
Shake cores
Entangle pretense and candor
Reject the mailman and a lot more
Control over your ego cuz you're a half-wit
But you make up for it with your cheap tricks
No degree, but a cornucopia of fabrics
Textiles have always been your strong suit
Pottery as cryptic as a tight noose
But with linen you feel maximally cozy
Weave a ship and a rocket at the same time
Loom as familiar as your first rhyme
Build mass transit with some frayed thread
Nourish continents
And lo, the aforementioned kneel to you now

Then sublime insight shows the tragedy of their existence
They are unable to transcend the vast gulf of distance
Because of correspondence infrastructure
Dismantled earlier

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